Thursday, December 3, 2009

This is little William and my Great Mom Mom Pat. Pat, Yogi and Grammy came down on Thanksgiving to visit us.
This is me and my Pop Pop Yogi. Pop Pop was so happy to finally meet me. I think he is great!

Who turned out the lights?

This tummy time is so much fun.

My Mommy is so pretty!

I got all bundled up for my first walk around my new house.

My Mommy loves me so much.

I am doing such a great job of making my neck stronger. I love my Boppy!

This is me after my trip back to the hospital. I had to go back for a hearing test and then had to get my heel stuck for the newborn blood screening. Mommy was so upset about me getting stuck, but I didn't make a peep! There was another little girl in there getting the same thing done and she wailed...some kids can be such babies! Mommy had to make a few more stops, so Mom Mom waited with me in the car so I didn't have to go out in the pouring rain...All in all, it was an exhausting day!

This hand tastes so good.

My Mom Mom and Pop Pop spending some quality time with me on my first Thanksgiving.

Tummy Time with my Jade!

I have some crazy looks sometimes!

Grammy and Pop Pop Tobin brought us dinner. It was very good. Again I didn't get any! Someday soon I will be eating it.

My Daddy and I at my first trip to AI Hospital. The hospital DRS. wanted me to get something check, and now I have a clean bill of health. It was a fun day. Mommy and Daddy had the Doghouse and didn't share with me....

Dad I hope I am as big as you when I grow up!

This is me all the time with my eyes wide open! I don't know what I am looking at, but I do know what my Mommy and Daddy look like.
Jade loves me so much! She is always in the room with me and always tries to give me kisses!
I think I pooped on my cousin Krissy.
Will and Uncle Barney. We were being really crazy when they came down.
I had my first visit with Aunt Patty. She folded laundry, and even changed my dirty diaper.