Friday, January 29, 2010

Some of you from the area may know this guy. For our out of town friends this is Don Polec formerly from channel 6 news, now part of his own company We met Pop-Pop and Grammy at the Wagon Wheel in Smyrna for Muskrat, yes Muskrat (pop-pop's favorite).

He was doing a story about the restaurant, and probably how only crazy people eat it. It is good even though it is a RAT!!!!

Don was very nice to us and talked to us for a few minutes and thought little Will was great!

Thank you Don for some excitement in Smyrna!!

I am one cool dude!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Poppop Shrouds says I look like I lost my horse!!

I love this swing that Brooke passed on to me

Going bananas!!

My big sister Jade - poor girl wears herself out watching over me

I tried to watch the playoff game, but I just couldn't stay awake....maybe next year

Daddy's so goofy, he's playing with my first toolbag that my cousin Krissy gave me for Christmas.

These people are always taking pictures of me...guess I better get used to being so good come with the territory

Mommy keeps putting me on this thing...I am starting to realize there are intersting things on here...who's that handsome boy staring down at me??

Mommy is so silly...I look more like a mermaid than a stocking diaper was slightly too big to let me fit into my stocking

Now I'm a dinosaur...Christmas I was reindeer...when I came home I was a puppy...wonder what Halloween will be like around here???

The many people to see, so little's exhausting!

What a great Christmas, I got to see all 4 of my grandparents...FYI - I have these two wrapped too!! haha...they are so captivated by me!

Oh, I got my Grammy and Poppop wrapped around my finger already!

I was a little tired Christmas you can see, I was Santa's Little Helper and it was a lot of work...Mommy and Daddy were tired too..guess I kept them up;)

Are the holidays an excuse for parents to dress their kids up in goofy things? My parents are always dressing me up and laughing...what's up with that?

Mommy got me all dressed up for Poppop's birthday dinner. I made an appearance, but I slept through the whole thing! Mommy thought I looked cute...Daddy said I looked like a little hillbilly...guess I am already taking after him then.

Mommy and Daddy say I am the cutest snowman ever!

What are you doing Daddy?

Just the three of us!

This was my first dinner out in public.

Daddy trying to get me back to sleep. I don't want to though.

I have some chubby legs.
I am already ignoring my parents! I am in my
Pre-teens already! Will look at the camera.

The three Amigos!

Me and my cousin Wesley.

He is going to teach me all the bad stuff my Daddy taught Wes. It is going to be interesting!

Me and My cousin Sophie

Check out my lip, I may trip on it!

First me in the snowman outfit, now the snow man got Sophie. I am running the other way so Mommy won't put me in it again.

Boy am I getting big.

More of my little feet animals.

Me and my great Mom-Mom Pat.

I am a sloppy kisser!

Mommy loves taking pictures of my feet.

What are you looking at? You want a piece of me?

Boy do I like my Tummy Time. Dr. D my pediatrician told me I am advanced with the control of my head. Watch out everyone!!

I am so long, and enjoy being changed alot more now than I used to. Plus my Mommy and Daddy are getting better at it. I feel like I am a Nascar coming into pit lane!

My Daddy Loves me! This was his best Christmas gift ever.

I am so spoiled. My Grandparents got me so much. Grammy used her anniversary gift at work to get me a wagon. Everyone loves me and got me all these toys which I just started liking the ones that have light yesterday.

It has been a long time since my last posting. William is doing great! He is growing and is in the 50+ percentile for everything. We have truly fallen in love and hope you like the pictures. I don't like posting corny comments so here I go.